Jewish Education in Jewish Communities of Spain


The main objective of the program is to maintain the continuity of educational and social activities for Jewish children and teenagers in Spain. The FCJE unites Jewish Spanish communities all over the country and provides religious, cultural, and educational services.

All of the communities united under FCJE have educational structures such as Sunday schools and Talmud Torah and informal education (Hadracha). FCJE has initiated programs to help and develop Jewish education at Jewish Communities in two levels:
– National activities such as seminars on different matters, winter and summer camps and trips to Israel
– Local religious and educational programs for small communities.

Jewish Communities of Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Melilla have regular Hadracha Colleges and jointly with the FCJE created the National Hadracha College, an initiative where all the Spanish Jewish Communities participate. The goal of the National Hadracha College is to give the youth training on different issues such as history, religion, culture and educational resources to become volunteers in their communities.

Twice a year the National Hadracha College organizes seminars for future leaders. At the Seminars participants receive lecturers on different fields: Religion, History, Sephardic culture, Israel and Zionism, educational resources, Middle East conflict, and communication skills. Since its creation in 1994, this project has achieved successful results. More than a 100 madrichim have received this training and most of them become volunteers and continue developing the youth programs in their own communities.

Since 2003, the FCJE is especially involved in the development of small communities, trying to help in those items such as education and religion as an important factor for the continuity of the Jewish life.

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